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The event “Generative AI and the Future of Fashion #2” with the theme of “Fashion x Latest Technology” will be held on August 31st - Held as a related event within Rakuten Fashion Week -

OpenFashion Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Toru Ueda; hereinafter referred to as "OpenFashion" ), which develops services and products that combine fashion with the latest technology including AI, announced on August 31st (Thursday) We have decided to hold an event titled "Generative AI and the Future of Fashion" with the theme of "Fashion x Latest Technology". This event is scheduled to be held as part of Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO 2024 S/S (Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo/RakutenFWT), one of Japan's largest fashion events scheduled to be held from August 28th to September 2nd.

OpenFashion Co., Ltd. is working on developing services and products that combine fashion with the latest technology such as AI. In March of this year, we started providing the AI ​​fashion platform ``OpenFashion,'' and actively disseminate information about generative AI and fashion through blogs and other means. We are working to promote the introduction of generative AI (hereinafter referred to as generative AI) to companies and educational institutions, mainly in the fashion industry.

The event decided to be held this time is the second installment of the event "Generative AI and the Future of Fashion," which was held in May of this year and had more than 1,000 people apply. As AI that realizes the generation of images and text (= generation AI) is evolving at an astonishing speed every day, we will once again introduce the latest case studies in the fashion industry and talk about future movements and impacts. It becomes.

This event will be co-sponsored by the Japan Fashion Week Promotion Organization and the Tokyo Fashion Designers Association. We also have special sessions scheduled, so you can enjoy a variety of content.

■Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO official website

Generative AI and the future of fashion [RELATED EVENTS - Special]

■Event promotion video

This event promotion video was created entirely by generative AI, from the script to the video and music. For more information on how to create it, please take a look at the OpenFashion blog.

Create an event promotion video in 3 hours: Generate a video from images using Runway Gen-2, a video generation AI

Event Overview “Generative AI and the Future of Fashion #2”

■Date and time: Thursday, August 31, 2023 Doors open at 13:00 Start at 14:00 Scheduled to end at 16:00 ■Location: Omotesando Hills Main building 3rd basement floor Space O

・Those who apply online will receive an email containing the online URL the day before the event.

■Participation fee: Free ■Participation application: Closed

You can watch the event video below

Event details

・Generative AI and the future of fashion 14:00~
Speaker: Toru Ueda, CEO of OpenFashion Co., Ltd.

・Challenge fashion design with image generation AI 14:30~
Speaker: PANORMO Designer Yuki Hanai / Representative Director/Chairman of Tokyo Fashion Designers Association Masahiro Kubo Moderator: OpenFashion Co., Ltd. CEO Toru Ueda

・The future of people and AI 15:00~
Speaker: Hiroshi Komoda, Secretary General, Japan Fashion Week Promotion Organization / Toru Ueda, CEO, OpenFashion Co., Ltd. Moderator: Masahiro Kubo, Representative Director/Chairman, Tokyo Fashion Designers Association

・Generative AI and fashion examples 15:30~
Speaker: Chie Kamijo, COO of OpenFashion Co., Ltd.


Here are some comments from everyone who attended the last event:

“I became very interested in technology and had a desire (for the first time in a long time) to learn more about it.”

"In an era where anyone can become an artist, I strongly felt the importance of branding, which is how to differentiate yourself from others and increase your value."

We received passionate comments such as: We will provide valuable information for the fashion industry at this event, so please look forward to it.

Speaker information (in alphabetical order)


OpenFashion Co., Ltd. Representative Director/CEO

Born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1982. After graduating from high school, she worked as a fashion salesperson, studied abroad in New Zealand, and entered the IT world after returning to Japan. He studied IT on his own and has experience as a PM, engineer, and UI/UX design at IT companies both in Japan and overseas. Established Omnis Co., Ltd. in 2014, and launched and operated the subscription-type fashion rental service “SUSTINA”. After Omnis joined the World Co., Ltd. group in 2018, he has been working as a technical advisor for World, working on the development of services and products that combine the latest technology, including fashion and IT.

Chie Kamijo / CHIE KAMIJO

OpenFashion Co., Ltd. Chief Operating Officer/COO

Born in Kanagawa in 1982. While attending university, he gained experience in store operations at a fashion SPA, and immediately entered the world of fashion. Joined Omnis in 2019 as a domain specialist with 20 years of experience in apparel, having held positions such as designer, MD, marketing, EC, system development, and global new business development and management. It is rewarding to face the boundaries that tend to be obstacles in the fashion industry, such as organizational and digital issues, and to provide better services by being close to the site, from problem discovery to resolution. Currently at World Co., Ltd., he is in charge of new business development projects using generative AI.

Masahiro Kubo / MASAHIRO KUBO

Representative Director/Chairman, Council of Fashion Designers, Tokyo (CFD TOKYO)

He has been with Senken Shimbun for 22 years, serving as chief of the Ash editorial office and Paris bureau chief. After that, he worked as a marketing director for a major select shop, and became a freelance fashion journalist in 2013. Since 2016, Specially Appointed Professor at Sugino Fashion College/Editor-in-Chief of "Fashion Power", since 2017 SMART USEN radio personality, "Mainichi Fashion Award" recommendation committee since 2018, contributing editor of USEN "encoremode" since 2019, 22 years In July, became CFD TOKYO representative director and chairman.

Hiroshi Komoda / HIROSHI KOMODA

Secretary General, Japan Fashion Week Promotion Organization (JFWO)

Joined Toray Industries, Inc. in 1982, and was responsible for a wide variety of tasks, including marketing for the textile business and hosting and managing campaigns, promotions, exhibitions, and collection shows. In 1996, he became the product development and sales manager for domestic and overseas brands of microfiber materials, and was responsible for providing materials and branding to designers participating in the Paris and New York collections. In 2006, he became the general manager of Toray International Co., Ltd. (trading company) and was responsible for the OEM business of sewn products for women's, men's, sports, inner apparel, and retail stores. Build a production supply chain centered on Asia. Since 2012, he has been appointed as an officer of Toray International Co., Ltd., and has contributed to the establishment of an integrated supply chain for functional materials to sewing for major SPA, PET bottle recycling, and the construction of an integrated supply chain for sustainable materials to sewing. Responsible for overseas brand licensing business. In July 2020, he became the executive director of the Japan Fashion Week Promotion Organization (JFWO).

Yuki Hanai / YUKI HANAI

PANORMO Designer/Violinist

The brand name is PANORMO, after the name of the maker of the violin he owns. Just like his own music activities, where he performs everything from classical music to the Beatles, he started with the aim of creating a brand that would add color to the lives of those who wear it, just like music, by thinking freely and without being bound by preconceived notions. With the main theme of [dresses for performers from the performers' point of view], we propose light occasions centered around dress-up styles for both performers and listeners.

We have created a collection that allows you to enjoy the feeling of elation that comes with slipping on a special dress, from special occasion dresses to everyday items.

(*) Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO

"Fashion Week" is a fashion festival held twice a year in fashion cities around the world, where the trends for the next season are born from the latest collections presented at fashion shows and exhibitions.

Among the world's fashion weeks, those held in five cities that have great information dissemination power due to their historicity and topicality are collectively known as the "Five Big Fashion Weeks": Paris, Milan, London, New York, and Tokyo. It has great influence. Tokyo's fashion week is "Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO". Sponsored by the Japan Fashion Week Promotion Organization, the event is held in March and August every year.

Official website:

■First event “Generative AI and the future of fashion” report


Omnis aims to ``democratize fashion,'' and aims to use AI to transcend the hierarchies and constraints of the traditional fashion industry, allowing a wider range of people to become involved in fashion and to freely express their own style and identity through AI. Aiming to create a world where we can, we will continue to provide communities and other opportunities for expression.

[Official website/SNS]

■OpenFashion official website

"OpenFashion" is a platform that utilizes the latest technologies such as generative AI, virtual fashion, and web3 to develop various fashion-related services and brands. Furthermore, we will combine this with an online community to fundamentally change the creative flow of fashion.

■OpenFashion Twitter

■OpenFashion Instagram

What is acclerando.Ai?

"Accelerando" is an Italian musical term that means "getting faster and faster." We started this event to help people experience how the world is changing at an accelerating pace due to generative AI.

It is expected that the development of AI will bring about major changes in creative activities in the future. I believe that in a world where everyone is creating, traditional fashion brands will become something completely different from what they used to be.