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Update 1.14: File upload in chat screen

Update items

We will introduce the update contents for July 3, 2024. The following items will be added this time.

  • Uploading files in chat
  • Minor fixes

Uploading files in chat


You can now upload CSV and Excel files while chatting. Previously, you could only upload files from the AI ​​agent settings screen, making it difficult to analyze data while chatting.

This improvement makes it easier for users to analyze constantly changing spreadsheets and data files, such as sales reports.

How to use

Model Switching

File uploads can be done using both GPT3.5 and GPT4.

However, as described below, there are differences in character limit and accuracy, so choose which model to use based on your needs.

Uploading via chat screen

On the chat screen, you can select the file you want to upload using the [+] button next to the send button.

You can also select multiple files.

Send it to chat with instructions on how to analyze it.

Available file formats

The supported file extensions are as follows:

Available file formats Extension
CSV file .csv
Text files .TXT
PDF file .pdf
Excel file .xlsx
Word File .docx

In addition to the above, in the case of GPT4, it is also possible to upload image files.

Link: Image Analysis

File formats available only in GPT4 Extension
Image files .jpg, .jpeg, .png, webp, .gif

Upper limit

The upper limit for each model is as follows. GPT4 can handle a larger number of characters.

Please note that this limit includes not only the number of files uploaded, but also the cumulative number of chat characters. If you reach the limit, please start a new chat and continue using the service.

Model Token Limit Character limit
ChatGPT3.5 16,385 Tokens Approximately 12,289 characters
ChatGPT4 128,000 Tokens Approximately 96,000 characters

Use Cases

It can refer to multiple CSV files to suggest appropriate actions and strategies.

As a specific example, we refer to product inventory and sales data to ask which products need promotion and what promotional techniques would be effective.

The AI ​​agent can analyze these CSVs and make suggestions, including promotional methods.

It is also possible to perform analysis with various combinations, such as images and CSV files.